So, tomorrow, November 1st, I will be 30 years old.... WHAT?!?!
How can that be? Seriously, didn't i just graduate from college, and just get married.... and just have 2 kids. I guess I have lived a lot of life between college and now, but for some reason it doesn't always feel like it! I mean surely, I am not the only mom of 2 kids that, on occasion looks around her living room at the kids and the toys and the mess and thinks "Who's life is this?"
Since 30 seems to be the dreaded number by many ladies my age, I thought I would make a list of 30 things I am so thankful for, in my 30 years of living...
1. My precious Savior - who "sought me, and bought me with his redeeming blood"! 30 years, or 30 more would be unbearable without God's grace daily!
2. My hunky husband! He is seriously handsome, and sweet, and smart, and a hard worker, and he loves Jesus more than me! I mean - seriously y'all - he is upstairs right now wrapping like 100 gifts that he has thoughtfully chosen for me.... I do not deserve him!
3. My son! He is handsome like his daddy. He blesses me every day with sweet kisses and hilarious commentary on life! (With the occasional tantrum or two). He was the first to call me Momma and I am wild about him!
3. My baby girl! She is lovely and full of life! SO smart and so much personality in all 18lbs of her! Who knew you could love 2 kids so differently and so deeply? The joy she brings my heart is overwhelming!
4. My parents - who have honored their wedding vows as an example to me, and who selflessly, to this day, love me and encourage me and remind me daily of who I am in Christ.
5. My siblings and their spouses! Watching them love my kiddos is a feeling I never knew existed! Plus they are pretty fun to hang with - glad I get to do it forever!
6. My community group - so awesome to do life together in our home each week! The ladies in our group have quickly become my closest friends and I love meeting together to talk about Jesus and laugh a lot!
7. Life long friends - you know who you are - we have done some serious ice together - with memories from elementary school or GULP - Middle school, being single, getting married, becoming new moms.... and they still love me - bless their hearts!
8. Coffee - good coffee - amen.
9. Louisville, KY - I have moved away and come back - but this city is home forever! All 4 seasons, great restaurants, sweet friends and great memories! I really do hope to raise my children here.
10. Sojourn! Our church - it has reminded me of the sweet taste of corporate worship in a way I had forgotten. So glad to be apart of this community!
11. Local restaurants - this maybe falls under Louisville BUT - Harvest, Rye, Game, Four Pegs - to name a few - you ROCK!
12. Fall - Pumpkin patches, cooler temperatures, Pumpkin flavored anything, Halloween - my favorite time of year!
13. Our house - I love this little house that we have labored in and changed and made our own! We brought both out babies home here... it is always a relief to walk through that front door!
14. The Jesus Storybook Bible - never a dry eye... from me at least ;)
15. Hulu and Netflix - seriously - I love to veg out!
16. Popcorn - you know, the fresh popped kind - with real butter - yes sir!
17. Sweet Tea
18. Fort Myers, FL - where we spent the first year of our marriage - there is something magical about that place.... it is always so exciting to take a trip there - I can close my eyes and feel the sun on my face and the smell the salty humid air... it takes me back to a sweet time in my life.
19. Mentors - Throughout the years - women who have invested in my life in different seasons as far back as I can remember. Women, who probably don't know it, but come to my mind on an almost daily basis as the wisdom they poured out on me is used still to this day.
20. Graeters Ice cream - Coconut almond chip mmmm
21. My kitchen table - a hand-me-down from my parents - it has been painted, refinished, chairs have been recovered - it has had -an apple carved into the top with a knife by my baby brother 18 years ago.... it has been laughed at, cried at, and eaten at... it is well loved - I cannot imagine feeding my family dinner in any other seats!
22. My husbands job - being self employed is hard work, but the benefits and blessings are great! Love my hard working man and his flexible schedule. (Trust me - he puts in the hours ;))
23. Wednesday night movie night with my man - every week!
24. Writing letters back and forth with the love of my life - something new we have picked up. It has been like falling in love all over again.
25. Nord's Buttercream Donuts!
26. Christmas music - it is right around the corner!
27. A quiet house - after the kids go to bed and the only thing you can hear is clothes spinning in the dryer.
28. SLEEP - I have seriously been missing sleep over the past year or so, but I hope my 30s bring a new season of rest (aka my daughter sleeping through the night HA)
29. A dishwasher waiting to be unloaded - I don't always remember this one - BUT it means this house is filled with full bellies, and a reminder that we have all that we need and more! Plus it means I didn't have to wash them myself ;)
30. And finally for 30 years of ups and downs, of seasons of plenty of seasons of want, for laughter and tears and changes... all of which taught me and molded me into who the Lord is still making me today.
Here's to 30 more!
Seeded Flatbread
4 weeks ago
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